Pisto - Plata - Money

Friday, March 16, 2012

To whom it might concern

Today is not a good day, neither a bad day; it's just a day. Today, I am tired, tired of pain-which always is there- tired of not having my special person close to me-which I really miss- tired of having no value-which makes me feel less-

I have friends, many of them have been on my happy moments, but I did not want to bother any of them with my worse moments. This is not about me being weak, it is because there is a saying "Real friends are those that in good moments you call, but in bad ones, they come by themselves"

I am working on my life to get it to work as it should, I do apologize due to my dumb thoughts. There is not a excuse, but truly I was really down. I am still so down, yet I am trying my best to do anything to get better, hopefully I will.

God bless you always!

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