Pisto - Plata - Money

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Broken . . .

I have nothing left in my heart because there is no heart anymore. I gave it to the most special person, but I did too much wrong that I broke her heart, but I did not realized I was broken my heart as well. I never meant to be mean, I never wanted to lose her; I just was not thinking.

Now, I do not want to know about any other girl, I am not interested in anyone else. I Just want my true love back. I feel I am a failure because I failed on her, the most important person in my world. Now, I just want the earth to swallow me, not to see her sad eyes again.

I do not want to be without her. I want my moon face back. I am just lonely, so damn lonely that no body will understand how I feel, not even her, the most beautiful girl. I want to go to sleep, and never get up, until this nightmare ends. But this is not going to end if I have not back what is my true love.

I love you, Pao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Broken but I still love you! </3