Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back and Forward

This is weird and understandable. It has been a very hard time, and we do not want to lose control. We start to open up, but there is a point where we get scared again, and close down as soon as possible. I am wide open for you. You are trying to open a bit for me. I still think we will succeed!

Everything is kind of tight, but I am working and giving my best for you. This is going to be step by step, but please, do not get too scared. Let's stop reviewing our wounds. Let me soften your pain. You will realize it is going to be just fine.

We made a step last night, even though you tried to step back, I know we are going forward. Let's stop talking about our mistakes, and let's focus on the way to be closer. We can make it!

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