Pisto - Plata - Money

Monday, March 5, 2012

Breaking Into a Million of Pieces

I needed to find something that could make my day brighter since the moon hides not to see me nor my pain. Therefore, I found some poem, that I want to try on because my heart is no longer needed for anyone . . .

A Letter to God Regarding My Heart - A Poem by Nochance

Dear God,
Here is my heart, I've broken it.

You see I tried to fix it as best I could, but it keeps falling apart.

I shared it with my friends, I gave them each a piece
Everything was fine, until the pieces they held began to break
Some of them were lost, some thrown away, A few of the pieces remained intact, treasured by my friends, But more still were breaking every day.

Pieces were returned to me, the carrier with tear stained eyes "I don't know what happened" they would say I would take back the piece, knowing we would never be the same.

I tried to reconstruct my heart, using anything I could
Band-aids, gauze, tape, ribbon, glue; nothing held and I cried.

As I put the pieces together the cracks spread; I didn't know what to do, I didn't want the broken bits to break the rest, so I'm giving it back to you God, I'm giving you my heart, I know you can fix it, you are the one who created it, I'm not asking you to make it new, I'm merely asking you to make it whole.

The cracks will help me remember all the pain I've gone through, the glue holding it together will make those breaks stronger, and it won't break in the same place again.

It was such a pretty heart, you made it oh so well, I wish I hadn't broken it, but the breaks are part of life, for an unbroken heart has never lived, has never loved; So will you protect my heart, keep it safe for me?

And when the cracks appear, will you fix them, patch them, I would be so grateful, it's so hard to heal a heart that is your own. I'll be back for it someday, when I can find the one who will care for it as you do.

I thank you God, for everything you've done, for hearing my plea, and restoring my heart.

Forever Yours,
- A broken-heart-holder (this is added by me)

Thanks Nochance, I could not make it any better.

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