Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Recurring Wrongness...

For there is something special close to me, and it will not come through. There are already too many time I have tried to reach it, but it will not come to me. I ask myself, is it me the unworthy or is it is not truly worth?

Once, and once again, and even once more... it repeatedly comes and go. Am I the one who has not lucid eyes to understand what is not really happening or is it that I just want it to happen so bad that let anything get to me, through me, in front of me...

Some of my thoughts possesses me. They say I am the one who is wrong. But there is always a little voice telling me I am the one who is really worth the shot, but I am settling my sight to low just because I am sitting down.

While bedridden and chained to my wheelchair, I only see up to the face of people. But not all people have theirs worth that high. I must Learn to read then down instead of just looking them up.

I have to believe that someday I will get that something special my soul is looking for, and it will be transformed into The Someone Special my life is ready to hail!!!

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