Pisto - Plata - Money

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


People says love is blind, but it thepends of themselves, or yourself I might say. Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. Surely, there are a huge difference yet not on the way people may think.

If you feel love; then, for sure you are blid. Feel comes from past expererience. If it is good you like it, if it is bad you dislike it. If there is a mixture, you might end up hating.

On the other hand, if you choose loce, you are wise. valuing not what have happened before, but also valuing what it could get to be. Certainly, this is not easy, and it can be a complete mess and neurons burn; it will completely worth it for the choice you take: love or give it up.

Yet there is a must: choices never should take while angry as never shall promise while happy. For sure I can tell you, and for expirience, I have taken wrong decisions and made and broke some promises.

In brief, love is mental such comes from brain, not from heart that a blood pump. Nervous can also trik  you, it can make your heart bit faster, feel butterflies in your stomach. So, you just have to choose, and remember: there are no wrong choices due to we choose the best option acording to the information we have.

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