Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


There are certain moments world just mock on your face. You just need a pause, but it spin even faster. Then, dizziness comes striking your face, pushing your back, crushing your spirit.

There are certain moments you see a light at the end of the tunnel, yet it is not the exit but a huge locomotor runig over your guts. So, instead of succeeding, you just get lower and lower.

There are certain moments you feel so tired that you could get to your bed and fall asleep. Suddenly, you are in your bed and sleep is the least you are able to.

There are certain moments your eyes are burning from inside out. You can close them, but there is noothing else than sourness ripping your brain apart.

There are no other way out; there are no much trust; there are no racional thoughts: the only answer you find is to send the damn world and everything and everyone to hell!!!

This is the racional description of Anxiety.

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