Pisto - Plata - Money

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

La grandiosidad del español

Porque antes que todo hay nada, porque en español no existen mil y una manera de decir una sola cosa, sino un sin fin. Porque este post podría ser el mas corto dudosamente hablando pero intrepidamente podria significar una cantidad exorbitante de posibilidades: dos simples pueden ser, aunque no realmente lo sea: o escribire mas post en español, o hay algo importante que decir. Es aqui donde lo exorbitante se hace un sin fin y lo corto se combierte en importante!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Normal Life

There are some certain things I am not able to do. My brain runs, my idess run, but my body won't run. There is a serius gap between my mind and my doing; a war between willingness and careless.

Many years ago, there was a quiet boy who could be anything. Wisely, he had chosen the path of his life that the gap would never be such a big deal. There were many issues, though, as peopke mocking on him abou the special needs this boy had.

Pasing the time through, he became a man, a man who could not ever be the best on anything. He always had some certain situations which made him unable to follow all of his goals.

He alwas wanted to have a nornal life to be happy. Normal life never appeared, though. There were to many healthy issues that pulled him back all the time, so he was unable to fulfill his nor anyone else's normality.

He was asked for many of people, some of his best friends incluve, to act normal, to bereave normal, to go out normal, to chase his dreams normal, to get a normal family. There are no such reson to ask for normality to some people ho have born with defects in the body.

Therefor, NO! I am certainly not normal, and I will not act like that. If people wants something normal, they better go away because there is nothing normal here!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


People says love is blind, but it thepends of themselves, or yourself I might say. Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. Surely, there are a huge difference yet not on the way people may think.

If you feel love; then, for sure you are blid. Feel comes from past expererience. If it is good you like it, if it is bad you dislike it. If there is a mixture, you might end up hating.

On the other hand, if you choose loce, you are wise. valuing not what have happened before, but also valuing what it could get to be. Certainly, this is not easy, and it can be a complete mess and neurons burn; it will completely worth it for the choice you take: love or give it up.

Yet there is a must: choices never should take while angry as never shall promise while happy. For sure I can tell you, and for expirience, I have taken wrong decisions and made and broke some promises.

In brief, love is mental such comes from brain, not from heart that a blood pump. Nervous can also trik  you, it can make your heart bit faster, feel butterflies in your stomach. So, you just have to choose, and remember: there are no wrong choices due to we choose the best option acording to the information we have.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


There are certain moments world just mock on your face. You just need a pause, but it spin even faster. Then, dizziness comes striking your face, pushing your back, crushing your spirit.

There are certain moments you see a light at the end of the tunnel, yet it is not the exit but a huge locomotor runig over your guts. So, instead of succeeding, you just get lower and lower.

There are certain moments you feel so tired that you could get to your bed and fall asleep. Suddenly, you are in your bed and sleep is the least you are able to.

There are certain moments your eyes are burning from inside out. You can close them, but there is noothing else than sourness ripping your brain apart.

There are no other way out; there are no much trust; there are no racional thoughts: the only answer you find is to send the damn world and everything and everyone to hell!!!

This is the racional description of Anxiety.