Pisto - Plata - Money

Friday, July 18, 2008

Money Learning

Money can not buy love, but it can buy people for marriage.

Money can not buy friendship, but it can buy people to hang out with you.

Money can not buy respect, but it can buy people to honor you.

Money can not but  beauty, but it can buy surgeries to make someone beauty.

Money can not buy health, but it can buy doctors.

Money can not buy volunteering, but it can buy people to do whatever anyone wants.

Money can not buy making love, but it can buy sex.

Money can not make an old computer better, but it can buy a better computer

Money can not bake a cake, but it can buy it already baked.

Money can not buy security, but it can buy bodyguards.

Money can not make funny a joke, but it can buy people laughing.

Money can not buy a warm weather, but it can buy a travel ticket to a warm place.

Money can not buy time, but it can buy people to stay long lasting.

Anyway, money is not powerful by itself, it is powerful when it is used to fulfill people's desires.

Finally and the most important, Money can not build happiness, money buys it already well done!!!

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