Pisto - Plata - Money

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Read It Carefully

I never thought someone would break my heart, but I never met this kind of person who just do anything but damage to every people around. No one knows this person as I do. This guy is really an evil, but people around him cannot see him deep inside. I do not even know how he would react on any situation. He is a beast. He is not willing to hurt, but he does because that is the only think he know to do. He pays too much attention on examples, but his cannot copy the goodness, he can copy only the evilness. He is always looking for someone to hurt, but he says he is looking for his soul-mate. Thanks God he can hurt too many people since he is alone the most of the time. He does not want to be alone, but that the only thing he deserves. He is killing himself. He wants to care about people, and he is the greatest actor. For him, there is nothing else that "if someone is around it is ok, if not, hi will not miss this one."

No body know him. No body should love him. No body should care of him. No body should clean his tears. No body should pay attention to him. No body should trust on him. He does not deserve any goodness from anybody at all.

I will tell you his name, and I recommend you to go away from him, not to love him, not to care of him, not to clean his crocodile tears because he will hurt you every time he has the opportunity. I know so many people who can support this thesis, or should I say this "theory"?

Reasons why not to care about him: Alcoholic, Smoker, Lascivious, Careless, Friendless, Loveless, Cold hearted, Frighten, Valueless.

I know him for so long time, and I do not even know him very well. You just get away from him, or at least, do not get close enough, so he will not able to hurt you. He is... he is... nothing else than ME.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Just Need Her

There is something wrong with me. I want to be a good boy. Is this to ask too much? I am just a child mind in an old body. I have done too wrongness lately. I just want to change my life and make it better. Some times I want to cry, but I just can not. Some times I want to cut myself to see how much it bleeds. Some times I just want a hug, but there is no such a person who thinks I am so special for her. I want a hug, but not a friendly one, I want a lovely one.

I know I do not deserve to be loved because I have not loved deeply before. I feel rounded of loneliness. I have friends, some of them are really good friends. I have God by my side, and He is the only one who supports me everyday for not to pass away. I have common family. Common does not mean normal. we are just better when we are not in touch. There is an empty space. This space is just for her.

She is not coming yet. I have not found her, or she has not found me yet. It might be that it is my fault, so I have not realized she is just here by my side, and I can not see her because I do not think she is the one who I am looking for. If you love me just hug me and kiss me. Let me know you are right here. Do not leave me down, and do not let me fall again.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Money Learning

Money can not buy love, but it can buy people for marriage.

Money can not buy friendship, but it can buy people to hang out with you.

Money can not buy respect, but it can buy people to honor you.

Money can not but  beauty, but it can buy surgeries to make someone beauty.

Money can not buy health, but it can buy doctors.

Money can not buy volunteering, but it can buy people to do whatever anyone wants.

Money can not buy making love, but it can buy sex.

Money can not make an old computer better, but it can buy a better computer

Money can not bake a cake, but it can buy it already baked.

Money can not buy security, but it can buy bodyguards.

Money can not make funny a joke, but it can buy people laughing.

Money can not buy a warm weather, but it can buy a travel ticket to a warm place.

Money can not buy time, but it can buy people to stay long lasting.

Anyway, money is not powerful by itself, it is powerful when it is used to fulfill people's desires.

Finally and the most important, Money can not build happiness, money buys it already well done!!!