Pisto - Plata - Money

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Once Again

Hello dEar, I haVe come back. I triEd to go away from you, but you put your whole streNgth To Hold me. I realize nOw that yoU are stronGer tHan anYone I knOw. I am just a body, a soUl, and a loser. You are the only one who Can have suppOrted me for a long time, So I am back in your arms. I wantEd to step out of you, even when you keep my alIve. I jusT want to stand by myself, bat I fell aparT. I know I deserve anytHing you hAve giveN me. I do not liKe to receive Some things I deserve, but honestly, I know I deserve them. Loneliness, please, let me know if this is the time to find that reason to go back, or this is the time to go away; I can not be with you so long since I do not want to. I just need some guide.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Am Being Renewed

I am now walking Away from you while you do Not deserve what I am doing. Today I had to start Again without you. You will miss me In my absence, but I do not want to miss you. We had So much good times as worse times, yet it Is time to go. I feel So nervous for This beginning without you; you Had been my partner for this long time. I can not tell you I Am not exited; if I do so, that would be a lie, and I do Not want to be lier. I am just starting to step up, and I Know I feel my body So heavy, even though, there is an angel who is going to take me away from you. It had to happen some day.

My angel had come not some time ago, and we did not want to Face what was going On. I was scared, and I was not Really the only one. My angel took my hand and touched my heart. This angel looked at my eyes without looking my face but my soul. I was being renewed, while the time was still going. We knew we have to stop. This day my angel let me know that this is the time to let you go.

You gave reasons for walking, even when I did not want to. I have now to be strong without you because my hopeful angel is going to guide me. Please, forgive me because now I am new. I am sorry, I will not miss you. My angel is not going to allow me to see you again.

Take care of yourself my dear Angry Lone Liness because my angel will take care of me.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Was Missing You, Dear Beach

There was a long time ago since I enjoyed some time with you; I am so pleased because met you again and to felt your soft touch on by tiny body. Your bed of rocks hurt me a few, but I deserve it due to I wanted to be with you as the old time. Oh! dear, how could that people pushed me away from you for so long? I am very sorry because of that, but I swear I will be back soon due to you are a part of my life which I cannot just cut off, not today, not yet, and hopefully not ever; I will do anything to be close to you. I am sure I cannot take you to my backyard, and that is not because I do not want but because I cannot afford it yet. I pray to my God to have you at least kind of close to visit you often, I do not want to miss you that much as I had missed you this last time.

By now, I just want your help to clear my mind from those negative ideas, and let me understand if I really like her, and if it is, let me feel if she likes me as I like her, I do not want to get confused between friendship and relationship. I think there have been enough time to be alone, it is time to go on. My dear, I need you to make me strong enough to look into her eyes and externalize everything which comes from my soul.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Such as Awesome night!!!

I've just come from Black Eyed Peas concert, and I can tell you different things.

First of all, I went there just because my friends went, and they wanted me to go with them. I would never have imagined that I was going to enjoy it as I enjoyed it!!!!

Secondly, I just went because my friends need people to top the spaces need to take a ride for free. I would never have imagined that I was going to enjoy it as I enjoyed it!!!!

Moreover, I went because there was going someone special for me. I would never have imagined that I was going to enjoy it as I enjoyed it!!!!

Besides, I went because I wanted to have some drinks. I would never have imagined that I was going to enjoy it as I enjoyed it!!!!

Therefore, My Humps was the best song I have ever enjoyed it, and that is just because she and me know why. I would never have imagined that I was going to enjoy it as I enjoyed it!!!!

I just want to let you know that the most I enjoyed was your presence (for each one of you guys)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ups and Downs

Once again I am back to let every one of you know something new about me.

I do not have so much to say about me, but I have a question, Have you ever felt alone even when you are just in the middle of a crowd???

If your answer is not, do not worry and keep doing as well as you have done until now, but if your answer is like mine today, it is just a coincidence.

I do not know if it is just a mental state which will go out just with some sleep, or I am really lonely. It may also be both of them, so let's start with a new day tomorrow.

However, these days I was enjoying the time, so do not worry, I am just looking for something. Hopefully, I will find it soon!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Just One More Day!!!!

I like to write about my feelings, and how I understand my own life, but if there is also the opportunity to help someone on the way, I really like doing it.

Today, I'm taking a break; therefore, I'll just tell something about my weekend, instead.

This weekend wasn't as good as I would like it to be, but it has been as unique as each weekend on my life. I felt happy because someone chatted with me. It was only a couple of words about the weather, but it was important for me since that person don't talk to me so often (by the way, thanks for remember be even just for ask a minimum thing).

I don't use to relate things chronologically, that's why some people don't understand me very well, but at least they get an idea about how do I feel some things.

I got angry with someone. It wasn't my foul, neither of that person, but there were not enough communication (I'm so sorry!!!). That last for a couple of hours, so by this time we are trying to be kind with each other. Hopefully, we are growing, and we'll keep working for this friendship.

I thought this blog was going to be kind of short, but it looks like I'm getting open!!! Maybe soon I'll write something new.

Remember me as a person not as an engineer, student, or that one who does wrongnesses. Just help me to be kind every day a little bit better.

Friday, September 14, 2007

What the Hell is Wrong With ME

I don't know why it's happening so soon, but I just wanna be myself even if it is a deam evil kind of being. Often I use to say "When I'm good, I'm good; but when I'm bad, I'm better." It looks like that's the real me. breaking friendships that haven't formed yet.

My mood for today is stormed against everyone, you should be away from me, just in case, you know, maybe tomorrow everything is gonna be great, but till then . . .

Just give a fu***ng reason to blow up, and you'll get it!!!!

Just give a reason and I'll give up and turn back to my own reality.

"I know, it doesn't matter how hard I try, keep that in mind, . . ., I pushed as far as I can . . ."

But I'm still wondering WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????????

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Just Looking Around

This is something I have to do, but it is not the time to look at myself and realize what is wrong with me, or if the people around me are wrong.

This is something I will understand as soon as I accept myself as I am. No matters what I've done but what I will do with the experience I've achieved with every step walking around my own life.

You would understand me better than myself with this blog, and it is your duty to explain me myself, my wrongness, my goodness, my loneliness, my smartness, and any other thing I've forget.

Please Be Kind!!!