Pisto - Plata - Money

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Once Again

Hello dEar, I haVe come back. I triEd to go away from you, but you put your whole streNgth To Hold me. I realize nOw that yoU are stronGer tHan anYone I knOw. I am just a body, a soUl, and a loser. You are the only one who Can have suppOrted me for a long time, So I am back in your arms. I wantEd to step out of you, even when you keep my alIve. I jusT want to stand by myself, bat I fell aparT. I know I deserve anytHing you hAve giveN me. I do not liKe to receive Some things I deserve, but honestly, I know I deserve them. Loneliness, please, let me know if this is the time to find that reason to go back, or this is the time to go away; I can not be with you so long since I do not want to. I just need some guide.

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