Pisto - Plata - Money

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am the least. I am the last. I am the only one guilty. Even though I an tired, I am still trying to be there. I just feel how my dream fades away. I just do not want to know it is over, I just want you here.

What is worth or not? All is about who, what, where, when, why; but there are no answers. I just want to wake up from this nightmare. All I can see at this moment is no more than a blind full mist.

My heart is just stopping beating since I can not handle you anymore. I have not much to offer because everything I had I have lost. I am not strong, just tough; which is completely different.

I can not sleep anymore, I can not eat anymore, I can not bear with it anymore, and I can not have control anymore. I wish I could, but I am unsuccessful. No matter how hard I try, it is not fruitful.

I will not say good bye, I will not say what I have changed, I will not say if I am better or worse, and I will not tell anything more; but this is not because I do not want, this is because my strength has been gone.

I am just a withered tomb, a walking death, anything that is there but is no one there, just an empty chest, just an empty soul, just an empty mind.

I am just ME, so if anybody asks me how am I? The answer is pretty simple " I just am!"

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