Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Last Time

There was a time when everything worked as going down-hill. Some times there were some troubles, but we tried to overpass them, and we succeed. Today, everything is just the way it was prior, it has gotten some years, but it remains the same.

The sky continues being blue, the stars are still blinking, the face moon still shines. The only difference is that all of them just look towards a different side. My path has been broken, and it is full of up-and-downs; I even could say there are more downs than ups.

The face of the moon does not look at me anymore. Those two special stars I used to enjoy are gone too far. And the sky is just getting darker and darker. I have tried to run as fast as I can so I could be close enough not to lose the last sunshine, but I am not so good at it.

Each thing is going further and further, and my stone heart is getting heavier and heavier than I cannot continue running, I cannot even walk fast enough to reach its side, not even its back, and I am getting lost in the mist of my desperate thoughts.

It seems this is the time, it seems there is nothing left, and it seems that my time is over; but I do not want to give this up, yet I have tried, and it seems there is not any other way to escape.