Pisto - Plata - Money

Friday, May 30, 2008

Just Asking

Is not it funny when you want something with all you strength, but it does not ever happen; then, just when you do not want it anymore, it appears?

Is not it funny when you want to chat with someone who is busy, and you wait for so long; then, when you both start chatting you both get mad because any of you do not understand each other's feeling?

Is not it funny when you try to find the right one, but that person never comes to your life; then, you realize that this person is already in your past? (the second part has not happened to me yet)

Is not it funny when you just want to feel beloved, and loneliness is the only stuff around you; then, you find that there is no one who loves you more than as a friend?

Is not it funny when people around you tell someone you are bad influence, and you just do not care; then, the people who said you are bad influence just need your knowledge?

Is not it funny when you spend so much time on something, and you work on it as hard as possible; then you realize that this time was wasted instead of spent?

Is not it funny when you are starving, and you want your favorite food; then when you get your meal, you do not feel appetite for anything anymore?

Is not it funny when you just want anybody to hug you, and you just smile at someone like asking for it; then, the person goes away without giving you not even a hand shake?

Is not it funny when you feel press on your chest, and you just want someone to caress you; then there is no one who want to caress you making you feel like the least person on earth?

Is not it funny when you read this blog, and you feel sorry for the stuff that have happened to you or feel sorry for the person who wrote this; then, you just want to try give hope yourself or to the person who wrote this?


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Iknow how it feels, and when I read this a I fee it again, because I know that sometimes you are and you feel lonly, and I am right there and you do not realize that :) ... Did you see?? we are never happy, we are never thankful for the life that we have, we never realized that yes! there is people who cares about us...

Anonymous said...

How can I know who loves me, if there is not anyone who shows the least interest on me, or does this person just love me as a friend?

Anonymous said...

U know me! and u said that any friend shows interest on u! thanks! thanks! and thanks! I thought that I was ur friend...

Anonymous said...

Prease, let me know how are you! I need to konw because I do not want to lose a friend, and if you like me more than a friend just show a little bit of interest on me, so you will find out if I am interested on you on the same way! email me, contact me, call me, just come closer to me! I need to know who are you.

Anonymous said...

Hey...! in our lives we can find many funny things, they point is how we face them. is not funny when u face them with a sarcastic smile and complaning about them? Just keep in mind that those things u often criticize are the ones that u have created by ur self... and dont misunderstand me i am not judging. i think loneliness does not merely refers of being alone without friends, sometimes friends make us feel alone, think on that. Besides, as people often say God is for us at anytime; nevertheless, that something exclusevely up to u if u believe so. but my point is even deeper. i learned something in a leadership couse that states "if you want the world changes, first u need to radically change ur self." u r doing well in some on ur attitudes for instance u r kind, friendly, honest, humble and many other characteristics i might name, but u need to work on others like ur academic life, and u know what i say so! u dont have to succeed in classes to demostrate others u can, but to demostrate u, ur capability. Also, family is a key word in our personal lives. be sure to carefully revise the relationships with u near relatives, even when we consider they are not the best, at the end, they are the ones that even annoyed, help us. Take Care and try to check my points, they might help u a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Your points will not help me just a little bit but a lot. For instance, I am not what I was some time ago. I feel that I have improved on differet ways by changing my attitudes and the way to approach everything. I also believe that God is always with me, He protects me, and I try to follow Him on the way I can. He never has left me alone. Friends have been around which is nice to spend my time with them. Nevertheless, some times I need to spend my time with someone who wants to be more than just friends. I know you are not judging me, and i appreciate every advice you have left. My student life also is better than the one I had before. This term was hard because I was disappointed of myself. but I am still working. I think that it is important not to stop working, you might slow down, but never stop. My annoying family is not perfect, nor the best examples, but each one of them has thought me so much, and all I am is because of them. At the end, as you said, they still helping me not just supporting me on my way, but they are also caring my mistakes, as I do so with them. That is what families do. I do not often complain of what happened to me, because I learn from everything that happens to me. I do not have regrets.

Anonymous said...

you will never know who wrote these messages!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Do not be mean Pablo, I know that you wrote this last comment. I just would like to know about the people who wrote important comments!!! :)