Pisto - Plata - Money

Monday, September 24, 2007

Just One More Day!!!!

I like to write about my feelings, and how I understand my own life, but if there is also the opportunity to help someone on the way, I really like doing it.

Today, I'm taking a break; therefore, I'll just tell something about my weekend, instead.

This weekend wasn't as good as I would like it to be, but it has been as unique as each weekend on my life. I felt happy because someone chatted with me. It was only a couple of words about the weather, but it was important for me since that person don't talk to me so often (by the way, thanks for remember be even just for ask a minimum thing).

I don't use to relate things chronologically, that's why some people don't understand me very well, but at least they get an idea about how do I feel some things.

I got angry with someone. It wasn't my foul, neither of that person, but there were not enough communication (I'm so sorry!!!). That last for a couple of hours, so by this time we are trying to be kind with each other. Hopefully, we are growing, and we'll keep working for this friendship.

I thought this blog was going to be kind of short, but it looks like I'm getting open!!! Maybe soon I'll write something new.

Remember me as a person not as an engineer, student, or that one who does wrongnesses. Just help me to be kind every day a little bit better.

Friday, September 14, 2007

What the Hell is Wrong With ME

I don't know why it's happening so soon, but I just wanna be myself even if it is a deam evil kind of being. Often I use to say "When I'm good, I'm good; but when I'm bad, I'm better." It looks like that's the real me. breaking friendships that haven't formed yet.

My mood for today is stormed against everyone, you should be away from me, just in case, you know, maybe tomorrow everything is gonna be great, but till then . . .

Just give a fu***ng reason to blow up, and you'll get it!!!!

Just give a reason and I'll give up and turn back to my own reality.

"I know, it doesn't matter how hard I try, keep that in mind, . . ., I pushed as far as I can . . ."

But I'm still wondering WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????????

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Just Looking Around

This is something I have to do, but it is not the time to look at myself and realize what is wrong with me, or if the people around me are wrong.

This is something I will understand as soon as I accept myself as I am. No matters what I've done but what I will do with the experience I've achieved with every step walking around my own life.

You would understand me better than myself with this blog, and it is your duty to explain me myself, my wrongness, my goodness, my loneliness, my smartness, and any other thing I've forget.

Please Be Kind!!!