Pisto - Plata - Money

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Up

Time has come where there is nothing less. There is no more or almost ran out of the matters in life: love, hope, faith. Reahing the lowest point in life.

Shure people give "advice," offer "help," or "understanding;" they do not get the least idea of the kind of frustation life without love, hope, and faith becomes.

When human reflects become fully painful as just not to let fall a pen meaning a sort of movement which has an echo bouncing in so many muscles and mones.

When becoming so psicotic that every single moment could become just a pain in the ass literally talking. There is when the time become to give up.

I have given up all that, no more love -I set you free-; no more hope -leaving the household-; no more faith -leaving church besides-. Then there is no more that loneliness, hopeless, hell.

It has been done, and so be it.

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