Pisto - Plata - Money

Monday, April 30, 2012


Relations ships end by different meanings, most of the are truly unreliable. Prior you end one, ask your self or your partner this. . .

If you are not willing to rip off your past, why should I be willing to have a future with you?

How is the right: 'in good and bad, in health and illness, in rich or poor' or 'in good and not that good, in health and not that good, in rich and not that good'?

If you are in a rush, I am the worst you can find: I do not have mayor goals in short terms.

Where were you when I needed you the most?

No one receives what does not deserve! As God do not

Who ends a relation due to delete from any social network (bbm, fb, twitter, . . .)?

Who needs a reason to love? The one who does not try to make the partner better!

Relationships are not a game, and they are not simple. No body should menace your partner with "if you (dont)do...I will end this relationship."

In brief:
Never take a decision while angry, and never make premises while happy!

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