Pisto - Plata - Money

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Crazy Maind

Eonverye taht can raed tihs rsaie yuor hnad.

To my 'selected' strange-minded friends:

If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and the person that sent it to you with 'yes' in the subject line.

Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cannabis Sativa and Human Health

Francisco Javier Ruano / ID 234 / EN-103 / Jun 24, 2009 / English Language

Cannabis Sativa and Human Health

Cannabis Sativa is what? Not many people know what it is, even when they have always heard of it. For instance, if any person is asked if Cannabis should be banned, they automatically say yes without knowing what it is about. For sure, high use of Cannabis—or anything else—might be harmful for a person. People eating too many chocolates might suffer Diabetes; people drinking too much alcoholic beverages will destroy their libber; People consuming too much fast-food might experience heart disease. Yes, Cannabis Sativa—Marijuana—is a kind of drug people use, and its consumption is illegal in many countries around the world. Nevertheless, Cannabis Sativa has many benefits that can be grouped into physical, psychological, and spiritual.

Joan M. Bello has a Master of Science in Eastern Studies and Holistic Health. She has also experience as a substance abuse counselor. As Director of the National Class Action for Therapeutic Cannabis, she attended many patients interviewing them over their diseases which include the following: Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Asthma, Digestive Disorders, Anxiety, among others. The information she gathered from them served as validation of her book: An Introduction to the Yoga of Marijuana (Bello). Furthermore, she defines spirit as follows: “that which enlivens is understood as the SPIRIT” (Benefits of Marijuana). This is about the level of activeness, cheerfulness, or anime a person has.

Marijuana consumption has many physical benefits since it produces effects on people’s nervous system. Joan Bello, in her book Introduction to the Yoga of Marijuana, expresses “The simultaneous opposing action of marijuana is akin to balancing our entire system. Such balance in the ANS [Autonomic Nervous System] can be understood as a charged equilibrium, which is defined as ‘well-being’ experienced as physiological expansion and psychological contentment and responsible for health” (Benefits of Marijuana). Human mind controls human body, then the use of Cannabis relaxes the mind, but it also produces an alert state. This back-and-forward effect between both states is created due to Cannabis Sativa is complicated molecule. In addition, Bello states the following:

Although specific effects of marijuana in the body are well known, each has been taken in isolation without noting that both sides of the Autonomic Nervous System are conjoined. Instead of a perspective that sees the whole person and the simple holistic effect of marijuana, a myopic and reductionistic method of measurement has been employed, and marijuana’s profound meaning for health has been lost. (Benefits of Marijuana)

Most of the people only see how harmful Marijuana can be. These people should step back to see the whole picture, so they will be able to realize that Cannabis Sativa has an effect on both parts of the brain at the same time; as left part of the brain—perception—is heightened, the right part of it—reception—is enhanced. This is the scientific reason some people say they are able to study better after smoking some weed—another name of Cannabis Sativa. They are more relaxed that is critical to learn easily, and their perception and reception are improved. As this drug has many effects in human brain, it is right to say it also has psychological consequences.

Relaxing and energizing cerebral effects lead to psychological benefits, so people are able to think clearly and efficiently. For instance, Joan Bello explains “Whereas marijuana results in an ‘altered state of consciousness,’ the depressant drugs have been described as producing ‘altered states of unconsciousness’ (Sugerman and Tarter), allowing for relaxation without awareness” (Benefits of Marijuana). People consuming Cannabis Sativa are more sensitive to everything around them, meanwhile people who ingest any other kind of drug are more likely to have death-cause accidents. Drug War Fats Organization has identified death index as follows:



Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity



85,000 1

Microbial Agents


Toxic Agents


Motor Vehicle Crashes


Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs




Incidents Involving Firearms




Sexual Behaviors


All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect

17,0001, 5

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin





It might look impossible, but it is real. As Marijuana mental effects are about awareness and consciousness, it is believable to have zero as death cause cases. Furthermore, Marijuana will not tolerate repression; tranquilizers and depressants might release people’s tension but it is unconscious, while alcohol could tranquilize people, but it becomes a high need to the body—addictive (Benefits of Marijuana). Then, if people empower their body and enhance their mind, they can also improve their spirit.

Cannabis Sativa has spiritual benefits by constructing an equilibrated body plus efficient thoughts. Joan Bello said, “Meditation is the ultimate tool for self-knowledge. In the East, marijuana has been used to facilitate the process for millennia” (Benefits of Marijuana). It is easier to meditate and concentrate while consuming Cannabis because its use generates greater freedom that leads to develop insightfulness. This inner reflection anime people to realize they are able to grow better. Moreover, Bello explains, “Marijuana’s contribution to the developing spirit is cumulative. As bodily tensions reduced mental fears dissolve, clearing the way to greater insight. But, until the direct effect (physical balance) of marijuana on the body and the attendant side effect (high) of marijuana on the mind become familiar, the alterations themselves remain the focus of interest” (Benefits of Marijuana). While people get to know themselves, they realize many fears are just barriers they have mentally created; therefore, they are able to break those mental fences to open up the way of reaching higher activeness.

To conclude, Weed can be well used to create an active estate of conscience by fully activating people’s brain. Marijuana effects in mind is a highly effect of awakens, so people are able to understand better and easier. Spiritual effects of Cannabis Sativa generate cheerfulness, and then people are happier by knowing themselves deeper. Hence, it is right to say that Cannabis Sativa highly increases the possibilities to develop people physical, psychological, and spiritually. Even though this is not an attempt to lead people to use this drug, but to imply that Cannabis Sativa is not a harmful drug if people do not abuse of it.

Works Cited

Bello, Joan M. Benefits of Marijuana. 22 June 2009 .

Benefits of Marijuana. The Benefits of Marijuana. 22 June 2009 .

DrugWarFacts.org. Annual Causes of Death in the United States. 2004. 23 June 2009 .

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Shiny like the moon!!!

I am coming out from the dark, and you are my guide. That shiny smile lead my way, with your moon face she illuminates my nights. I am hard to handle, but whenever I see her I change my mind and follow her desires. She is an angel. She is my angel, who touches my heart while she takes my hand to rid me out from the dark.

She shines. She has faith on God that she can take my evilness out of me. Once she puts a finger over me, all around me is changed for goodness. My angel. My moon face. The one that is taking away my breath. She! She is here to tell me that I am a person, and she tells me also that I can be a human! I can not see myself as a human, but she is teaching me how to be.

She is my mom. She is my baby. She is "just" my Eve. She is the one that tells me what is wrong. She is the one that shows me the way a child know heavens door. She is the one that wants to be like my rib, not above my head to step on me, no below my feet to be kicked; but just above of the center of my body, just close to my heart, and just below my arm to be protected with all my strength.

She has a moon face and a shiny smile. She is the light I want to follow because in her, there is not space of evilness.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Empty Mind

Today is just one of those days people would say “Leave Alone,” but I have been alone before, and that also hurts. I would rather suspend judgment, so I will not hurt anyone; I will just seat for awhile at the side of the road to see people’s smile; I will just stay a little bit apart for a moment. I sorry because once I said I was going to write something enjoyable, but I am still writing the same kind of blog!

I acknowledge I am hard to handle. I have not reached the level to manage my pride. I just want to be better, but it is harder than I thought. My mind is empty because I am not able to understand how to grow better while I grow old instead of grow old and remains a kindergarten child. Or, is that I am already grown better without noticing it? How can I believe I am better when I see people and my thoughts betray me?

I do not use to speak what I think because I have not learned how to be kind while I share my thoughts. I just rather to stay quiet while I see people’s behavior. I just want to finish this level of my life and continue with the next one hoping that one will make at least smarter. I am not talking about knowledge—which I would like to achieve. I just want to be able to grow as a person.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Smoking and Health

Francisco Javier Ruano / EN-102 / Nov. 26th, 2008


Smoking must be banned! This is the most usual way people think about smoking because it causes different kind of diseases the worst of such is lung cancer. The worst problem of smoking is not for the one who is smoking but for second hand smokers. Smokers should have their own space for smoking without bothering someone else if they are not able to stop smoking. People would have so many reasons for banning smoking all over the world, but smoking is not the real problem people must fight; the problem is about excesses. Smokers bother people with their smoke which contains too much Carbon-Dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the principal cause of Lung Cancer Disease. There are many other taboos about smoking. On the other hand, smoking is not completely harmful, it also has some benefits: (1) Smoking has positive effects on cerebral functions. (2) Smoking lowers Parkinson Disease, and (3) Smoking can be use as a setoff for Alzheimer’s disease.

This work is not to leading people to start smoking. Most smokers have the problem of exceeding or abusing smoking cigarettes. As usual, the problem is not smoking itself but the excess. The excess on alcohol is called alcoholism. The excess of being religious is called fanaticism. Everything in excess is harmful. Smoking is not the exception. Cigarettes have different chemical components; Nicotine is one of them. Nicotine is always in our bodies, “Nicotinic acid is a B vitamin found in yeast, liver, eggs, and other foods and is also known as niacin, or vitamin B3” (Mark), and smoking is a side way to get some nicotine.

Other benefit of smoking is its effect in cerebral functions; smoking boosts memory and improves concentration. Some studies have been being developed in different places around the world about smoking and the cerebral functions. “Tobacco has long been known to have a stimulating effect on the brain. Victorian doctors recommended smoking as a means of sharpening the wits and boosting concentration” (Derbyshire). The use of tobacco is not new, It has had prescribed by doctors since Victorian age. Tobacco has nicotine, and nicotine contributes to developing a better concentration and memory. Smoking also improves the ability of speaking because of the chemicals in the cigarette have some effects on that cognitive part of the brain. “A number of studies indicating nicotine’s ability to improve attention and cognition only confirm that nicotine has the ability to reverse withdrawal effects” (Ygoy). In addition, smoking has some positive effects on mental thoughts. The Quit Smoking Center (TQSC) has found that people who suffer from depression or anxiety are able to put those feelings away since nicotine can be used as medication against this mental disorders while smoking can me use as the medium of how these people can get their nicotine. “The nicotine in your cigarettes acts like an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication” (TQSC). Smoking has more benefits against many diseases.

Smoking lowers Parkinson Disease. Parkinson’s disease is a bodily motor disorder. Different developed studies have shown that smokers are less like to suffer from Parkinson Disease. “Nicotine has long been known to affect the central and peripheral nervous systems of man. It has variously been regarded as an exacerbating factor or as a therapeutic modality in Parkinson's disease” (Kessler). Nicotine in measured amounts has been used for people who suffer Parkinson’s disease. This study was made by The John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. They assessed the quantity of people with Parkinson’s disease during two years. The result of this study revealed that the patients who were not smokers developed a sort of Parkinson’s disease which was more refractory than the patients who were smokers. Moreover, one study made by Harvard School of Public health compared smokers, former smokers, and people who have never smoked. This study was followed for nine years, and there were around 143,000 people. The outcome of this long work was: “people who had never smoked and were considered to have ‘normal’ Parkinson's disease risk, former smokers had a 22-percent lower risk of Parkinson's disease and current smokers had a 73-percent lower risk” (Rauscher). So, it can be said that nicotine has a positive effect of lowering risk of Parkinson’s disease. But this is not the only disease smoking can help on.

Last but not least, Alzheimer’s disease, one of the worst mental diseases, effects can be reduced with smoking. Alzheimer’s disease is a mental disorder based on lost of memory and some other fundamental intellectual functions. It is shown by some scientists that smoking can be as a shield against this disease. “Acute administration of low doses of nicotine improved mental processes and may be protective in AD. This possibility was first put forward by Appel, who noted that only 6 out of 30 patients had smoked at any time in their lives” (Forces). There are many studies that show how this disease can be post posed by smoking. “Many studies including some sponsored by the federal government, have shown that nicotine may in fact delay the onset and effects of both Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases” (Tarkovsky). This means that even the United States government is working to prove that the nicotine the tobacco contains is not completely harmful. The nicotine can be use for treating Alzheimer’s disease because, as it is said above, smoking boost memory and it can develop some other mental benefits.

People are always against smoking just since many smokers have died because of lung cancer. It is true to think smokers will get cancer, but there is a restriction. People might fall on vice. Nicotine is highly addictive. Tobacco has nicotine. Therefore, people can fall into this addiction. Every drug a doctor prescribes is addictive, but at least tobacco is a legal drug, so people will not break any law by consuming tobacco. I want to emphasize that this work is not asking people to smoke, or giving them an excuse for doing so. This is just to let people know that most of them have fallen in a fallacy: “Guilty by Association.”

To conclude, people assume that as smokers have died of lung cancer smoking is completely harmful. Here are three important reasons how smoking can be healthy. Smoking can be used for boosting memory and concentration as well as against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Smoking is not wrong by itself; what is wrong is the vice of smoking, which means to smoke too many cigarettes during the day (24 hours). As it is known that a cup of wine every day is really healthy, around three cigarettes a day might be healthy as well.


Work Cited

Derbyshire, David. Smoking ‘is good for your memory and concentration. Mail Online: August 2008. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1034701/Smoking-good-memory-concentration.html>

Forces. Smokers have reduced risks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. <http://www.forces.org/evidence/files/liars.htm#alz>

Kessler, Irving I. and Earl L. Diamond. Epidemiologic Studies of Parkinson’s disease. Oxford Journals: American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 4 No. 1: 16-25. <http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/94/1/16?ck=nck>

Mark, Paul. Does Nicotine help Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Patients? The Vermont Cynic. <http://media.www.vermontcynic.com/media/storage/paper308/news/2005/11/01/News/Does-Nicotine.Help.Alzheimers.And.Parkinsons.Patients-1040930.shtml>

Rauscher, Megan. Smoking lowers Parkinson disease risk. Reuteres. March 2007. <http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSCOL06339920070320>

Tarkovsky, Sara. Nicotine – Are We Ignoring Its Health Benefits? <http://ezinearticles.com/?Nicotine---Are-We-Ignoring-Its-Health-Benefits?&id=291157>

The Quit Smoking Center (TQSC). The Benefits of Smoking. <http://www.drquit.com/articles/trying/benefits/index.html>

Ygoy. Can Smoking Enhance Your Performance? <http://smoking.ygoy.com/can-smoking-enhance-your-performance>

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Empty Mind

What can I say?  I know there is much time since the last time I have done this, but I thing I can not go further. I have tried to open up my heart. I just found that no one cares enough to look into it, then I realized it is time to give up at once. I have one last question: who was wrong, me or you?

Somebody may say I do not know what I want, the truth is that I really know what I want, but it looks like it is just not going to happen.

It is hard to be me. I am tough but weak when I would rather be strong and pleasant. Believe me when I say "I am not even the shadow of what I used to be." Sometimes, I even thing if what has happened to me is good or bad, but many people would say I am good now.

I have mental problems. I take wrong decisions, but those are not bad because I took the best decision with the information I had by that time. I still make mistakes, yet how can I do not do so if nobody seems to inform me? While someone tell me "I should ask," I will tell this person "have you already asked?"

Well, it is a hard decision, but I need to make it: I GIVE UP ON YOU!