Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am nobody. I just come and go. I want to stop, but there is no one. Why should I stop then? There is no reason. I have to keep going, I need to keep going. I cannot. I just cannot. I am nobody. I tried to break it apart. I tried to throw it down. I tried to  run away. Nothing seems to work. I am nobody. I tried so many ways to leave you. I am broken. I broke myself. I am trying to put away this fad. I am nobody. I am tired. I would like to give up. I am not that tough. I am not powerful at all. I am not even me. I am nobody. I cannot break down. I am a rock. I cannot even let a tear go. I am a sponge. I am drown. Tears have drowned me from inside to outside, but they do not come out. I am nobody. There is not a single person around me. There are just people. If I am absent, they do not care. If I am present, they care even less. I am nobody.

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