Pisto - Plata - Money

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Once Again

Hello dEar, I haVe come back. I triEd to go away from you, but you put your whole streNgth To Hold me. I realize nOw that yoU are stronGer tHan anYone I knOw. I am just a body, a soUl, and a loser. You are the only one who Can have suppOrted me for a long time, So I am back in your arms. I wantEd to step out of you, even when you keep my alIve. I jusT want to stand by myself, bat I fell aparT. I know I deserve anytHing you hAve giveN me. I do not liKe to receive Some things I deserve, but honestly, I know I deserve them. Loneliness, please, let me know if this is the time to find that reason to go back, or this is the time to go away; I can not be with you so long since I do not want to. I just need some guide.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Am Being Renewed

I am now walking Away from you while you do Not deserve what I am doing. Today I had to start Again without you. You will miss me In my absence, but I do not want to miss you. We had So much good times as worse times, yet it Is time to go. I feel So nervous for This beginning without you; you Had been my partner for this long time. I can not tell you I Am not exited; if I do so, that would be a lie, and I do Not want to be lier. I am just starting to step up, and I Know I feel my body So heavy, even though, there is an angel who is going to take me away from you. It had to happen some day.

My angel had come not some time ago, and we did not want to Face what was going On. I was scared, and I was not Really the only one. My angel took my hand and touched my heart. This angel looked at my eyes without looking my face but my soul. I was being renewed, while the time was still going. We knew we have to stop. This day my angel let me know that this is the time to let you go.

You gave reasons for walking, even when I did not want to. I have now to be strong without you because my hopeful angel is going to guide me. Please, forgive me because now I am new. I am sorry, I will not miss you. My angel is not going to allow me to see you again.

Take care of yourself my dear Angry Lone Liness because my angel will take care of me.