Pisto - Plata - Money

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It will complete awesome if for awhile everything disappear. No more feelings, no more pain, no more stress, and no more hard decisions to take. Flashing my brain, clearing my thoughts, removing all my weakness; just letting the life passing bay. No more conflicts, no more agreements, no more discussions. In brief, no more pain.

I would like just to be here, in a pause of space and time, motionless, forgotten, left behind; while the whole world continues spinning faster and faster. No more corporal pain, no more soul pain, no more mental pain, no more heart pain. In brief no more hope.

Grateful those who never expect anything from anyone because they will never be disappointed. Blessed those that have not known where they come from, so they will not hope for any future. Awesome are those who do not have faith, due to they will heritage no pain. In brief, no regrets.

Let's forget everything for awhile, let's run away from our own demons, let's hurry to pass this life whenever everything goes wrong. In breaf, be forgotten.

I just do not want to feel any kind of pain anymore, since pain has been around me from the very first day I breathed. Pain has been my daily bread, and sorrow my daily wine. I just can't remember a single day without it. The pain that has tormented myself making my life bitter and better, and I just can think: "what have I done wrong from the very first day of my life so suffer over and over?"

So many may think I am a "dramatic person," but I just would like to have a machine to measure the pain, the sickness, and the sorrow everyone could feel, and compare my life to theirs; so, and only so, the might see me as a kind of hero or a kind of little doll. But at end it does not matter I'd I end up as a doll, because it will be my starting point; yet if I appear as some kind of hero, I could regain the respect my beloveds have lost on mi.

In brief, tonight, I just want to forget everything until the pain stops hurting my life; as God seems have forgotten me, dropping my prays.