Pisto - Plata - Money

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The last drop of hope!

And then, there is almost nothing left. You look around for some reason, but there are just answer that do not fulfill your anxiety. Why are you so interested on what is breaking you down? Might it be worthy at all?

So, you can se your hope being drained out. You watch everyone walking away since you are not what they though but what you let them know from the beginning of the time. Yet only the Single One realize what you really are.

There is no one there, just people; just people! What else can you do? what else can you expect? where is the last drop? Could you feel any worse? Where else can you go? who is going to take your pieces back together?

Then you tray to take the answers as reason, but they will not ever fit in their places. There is no way a mortal like you can defeat the world.  Resignation seems like the only way, when not even friendship can hold your hope!

Suddenly, it is too late! you are watching the last drop of hope disappear from your heart while you turn into a empty-soul body that whishes that drop never goes away.