Pisto - Plata - Money

Monday, February 25, 2008

Surrounded by Angels

I have just one regret with myself. Sometimes, my short vision is not only from my eyes. I should look for soul glasses because there are people who think and care of me. They may not be every day with me, but they are still there for me. I just have to be patient and keep my faith. I understand now that I have people who I talk to every day, but they are not close friends. I also realize here are people who I do not talk so often, but they are really close friends. They truth on me, and I do on them. Those are my angels, my guard angels.

I know I am not the best one, but I am on the way. Sometimes I take wrong decisions. I am not the worst because I am walking away from that way when I cam. Sometimes I learn from my mistakes. These make me think: "I am not completely good, I am not completely bad; this is just me" (this came from yin yang, "Nothing is completely good, nothing is completely bad" and I added "Everything depends on the point of view.")

You, angels, have so much importance in my life. You always are teaching me a lot of new stuff and showing me my mistakes. You make changes on me, and thanks you I am growing as a better person. I owe you my life. You taught me you are not going out of my life; I am going too deep inside myself.

Well, actually, I just want to thank you for all you have helped me and I also have a question for you, what does DTB mean?