Pisto - Plata - Money

Monday, January 28, 2008


I go through the life watching, hearing, and learning. I want to understand everything and everyone. Now, people are giving me so much time to think about how much have I developed while I have walked on this new way. Sometimes I do not understand why they leave me alone, but it might be I need to realize how I am managing my new life. It looks like I have to walk through the worst loneliness I have ever endured.

I do not feel ready to be alone, but I just think about God does not give me a cross I can not go along with. This is the first day of the rest of my life, and I need to PUSH. I do not swear I will not fall, but I do swear I will not give up.

Like the phoenix, rising from the ashes, my soul is rising from this hole, and I will succeed over this new phase of my life. Thanks to people who is getting closer to me, and special thanks to those who left me alone when I most needed them because now I realize I can not put my whole trust over all people.

*PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Just the Beginning of the Year

Today is just the newest day. I am not worry about what I have done or I have fail to do because now is not just a new day but a new year also. I want not to worry about my mistakes because I am not alone. I have a guard angel who takes care of my and my actions, even my relations. I just want to feel the heat of my really friends presence. I would not be worthy to have such presence of people who does not care about my past or my future, but they are who make my day brightly.

I am just a human looking for the half of my life, that special person who can guide me through the best way, and I know who would she looks like. If she does not want to take me as her cross is because I am not worthy. She would like me, I would like her; but I am just renewed and she does not realize I am just in front of her. I like you so much!!!!

Dear, My Lil Dear!!! hope you think of me as I do every day!!! enjoy your new year with the people you love, even if I am not in.