Pisto - Plata - Money

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Was Missing You, Dear Beach

There was a long time ago since I enjoyed some time with you; I am so pleased because met you again and to felt your soft touch on by tiny body. Your bed of rocks hurt me a few, but I deserve it due to I wanted to be with you as the old time. Oh! dear, how could that people pushed me away from you for so long? I am very sorry because of that, but I swear I will be back soon due to you are a part of my life which I cannot just cut off, not today, not yet, and hopefully not ever; I will do anything to be close to you. I am sure I cannot take you to my backyard, and that is not because I do not want but because I cannot afford it yet. I pray to my God to have you at least kind of close to visit you often, I do not want to miss you that much as I had missed you this last time.

By now, I just want your help to clear my mind from those negative ideas, and let me understand if I really like her, and if it is, let me feel if she likes me as I like her, I do not want to get confused between friendship and relationship. I think there have been enough time to be alone, it is time to go on. My dear, I need you to make me strong enough to look into her eyes and externalize everything which comes from my soul.